Value of TIP … In somebody’s Life

Place – CCD Day – Feb 17, 2010 I had my cup of coffee and ordered for the bill. The waiter who was serving us got the bill and placed in front of me with a sweet and innocent smile on his face like he was saying Thanks In Advance . I kept 100 bugs in the bill book and started waiting for the waiter to come so that I could get my remaining amount of money (A little of 16 bugs but costs to me a lot as I can buy a lot in this amount of money also may be Milk or Juice). When I was thinking all this I got the chance to open the bill book again as the waiter had kept the remaining amount there in the bill book. I stood up as I was supposed to leave for my room and the waiter came again to clear the table. Just to confirm myself that I had not left anything behind on the table or futon I looked behind and I came to know -- How important is a TIP? This I came to know when I paid the bill but not the tip money. The waiter, who was serving us, was very ke...