Love Jihad vs. Humanity

After 68 years of Independence and being well-educated human being of 21 st century, what we are giving back to our nation is Love Jihad. Alas! What are we doing with the lives and sentiments of our nation to whom we call our motherland? This is what a child like us should pay back to his/her motherland that despite of uplifting it we are continuously slaughtering its image by rapes, murders, loot, communal riots and now Love Jihad. Does this combination of two antonyms Love and Jihad make sense to anyone? Love is the positive word whereas Jihad is a well-known word with full of negativity . Can we combine these two words and make a beautiful place to live. Why we are so much interested in taking about conversions and reconversions of people into other religion/s. Since childhood what we have learnt that God is one been it Alah, Waheguru, Jesus or any hindu God . How does it matter that to which religion we belong to or of which God do we worship. The only thing ma...