Love and Strength

There is a saying that “To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet”. I want to add in this, “To realize the value of strength, ask a soul who has fallen weak because of losing perspective of life”. Losing tangible and important things in life, may not be a great loss. But losing perspective in life is living without a heartbeat, which is next to impossible. Unfortunately, I have lived a life when I was clueless because I had lost the perspective of life. I constantly kept on asking the God that why he has taken the life out of me and left me like a broken shell. When I was trying to keep myself busy in doing the regular activities, tasting the bitterness of life. One day God smiled at me and blessed me with a moment of joy. The almighty made me open the door for the second most beautiful soul, after my mother. The almighty didn’t stop there and kept on creating the beautiful memories of life. People say that there is no any name for the soul....