Your thoughts become Things

I spent my weekend, reading a book “The secret”. I find it very real and interesting. Real because the ways which are being mentioned to own or to receive a thing are logical and natural. Interesting because I can feel that the things which I have received (though they are few in number, but quite useful and something for which I fought well to achieve) are a part of the methods mentioned in the book (I will share in the later part of my blog). According to ‘The secret’ we have three simple steps to become proprietor: Step 1 – Ask Ask may be an order or may be a request to Universe. Let the universe know what your wishes are and let him find it actually for you (Like a GENIE). It can be anything like Experience or a machine or man or woman etc. Step 2 – Believe Now start believing that you have the same thing with you for which you have placed the order to ‘The Universe’. Don’t think how the universe will do it, because it’s not your part to play. Let the universe do it for ...