Your thoughts become Things

I spent my weekend, reading a book “The secret”. I find it very real and interesting. Real because the ways which are being mentioned to own or to receive a thing are logical and natural. Interesting because I can feel that the things which I have received (though they are few in number, but quite useful and something for which I fought well to achieve) are a part of the methods mentioned in the book (I will share in the later part of my blog).
According to ‘The secret’ we have three simple steps to become proprietor:
Step 1 – Ask
Ask may be an order or may be a request to Universe. Let the universe know what your wishes are and let him find it actually for you (Like a GENIE). It can be anything like Experience or a machine or man or woman etc.
Step 2 – Believe
Now start believing that you have the same thing with you for which you have placed the order to ‘The Universe’. Don’t think how the universe will do it, because it’s not your part to play. Let the universe do it for you.
Step 3 – Receive
Feel as happy as you will feel when your wish will be fulfilled. In this process it is important to feel good, to be happy, because when you are feeling good you are putting yourself in the same frequency of what you want.
Remember a dialogue in Om Shanti Om in which Sharukh says “When you start loving someone to the extent of your sole objective, then the universe help you in achieving the Target”
The crux is Law of Attraction which says” Like attracts like”, and so you think a thought you are also attracting like thoughts to you। If you can think about what you want in your life and make that your dominant thought, you will bring it into your life. This law not only works with the positive thoughts but with negative thoughts also. Start thinking something worst with you like to put your finger in the electric socket (many times), sooner or later you will get a chance to enjoy with electric shocks.
Reasonably explained by Baba Raanchor das Chanchar – “All is well”. Make your heart strong enough and believe it in you. In the light of ‘The secret’ - If you see it in your mind, you're going to hold it in your hand.
I can correlate my own example “Looking at an Airplane flying right on my head, I used to think that someday I’ll be one of the passengers (Though it sounds childish for you, but I was a child at that time).” See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It works every time, with every person(मानो या ना मानो)
an encouraging and motivating msg 4 evryone..gud effort done by u..
here is my point of view about the book and law of attraction.
from gita: it says don't think about output, just do.. (karmanya vadhikarsate etc stupidity) so it basically says if you think too much about output, its not gonna work. you have to do everything to get it.
second, if there is a law of attraction then there is a law of distraction too :) (they don't want to mentioned it unfortunately)
newton's law.. every force has an equal and opposite force to maintain the balance in nature. so there are lot more hurdles then we can imagine.
third, they don't want to focus on time factor. every desire is meant to be fulfilled but at what time? when it is not needed at all? they don't want to share its rules and its working.
forth, they said by themselves that accidents happens because we attracted them. now why would anyone wants to be killed in road accidents.
fifth, desires of different people are always conflicting. if 1000 people try to become president of states, only one can get it. others will keep trying and will fail for sure. so the law doesn't apply to them. or you can say, there is some greater force who decides whom to give more attraction to get things done.
for "om shanti om" we would need to die to get a 'real love' desire done :)
lots of other things that they don't want to discuss :)