Life -- A Cage

My friend is residing in a PG, on the Land of FILM STARS -- Aamchee Mumbai. There we can find from huge well constructed Buildings, acquainted with lots of facilities to Slums. No No No… don’t take me wrong, I am neither commenting on the life style of Film Stars nor discussing havocs of SLUMS. But something else which is more misfortune, a pain but still we call it A LIFE. My friend told me that she has a pet, a parrot in her room. She told me that when she returns home from office and enters in the room, Parrot starts chirping and fills the room with saccharine whistle. She loves playing with Mithoo (her parrot’s name). They sing Duets, play Antakshree, converse (obviously in their respective languages because Mithoo does not know Punjabi).I want to be the part of that conversation because I want to see who talks more - My Friend or Mithoo. How Mithoo sleeps is also a lovely style, Mithoo folds its neck in a very exquisite way and then sleep. My friend gives a handkerchief to...